CAFM 2024 | Forensic Pathology in Canada – Past, Present and Future

Thank you to our Sponsors

Coffee Breaks are sponsored by

The Canadian Society of Forensic Science

The Canadian Society of Forensic Science (CSFS) is a non-profit professional organization incorporated to maintain professional standards, and to promote the study and enhance the stature of forensic science. Membership in the society is open internationally to professionals with an active interest in the forensic sciences. It is organized into sections representing diverse areas of forensic examination: Anthropology, Medical, Odontology, Biology, Chemistry, Documents, Engineering, Firearms and Toxicology.

The CSFS and its members wish the CAFM a fruitful inaugural conference. We look forward to future collaboration as our organizations continue to advocate for forensic experts in their fields and foster a community of professionals.

La Société canadienne des sciences judiciaires (SCSJ) est une organisation professionnelle sans but lucratif constituée dans le but de maintenir des normes professionnelles, de promouvoir l’étude et accroître la visibilité des sciences judiciaires. L’adhésion à la Société est ouverte au niveau international pour les professionnels ayant un intérêt actif dans les sciences judiciaires. Elle est organisée en sections représentant divers domaines des sciences judiciaires: Anthropologie, Médecine légale, Odontologie, Biologie, Chimie, Documents, Génie, Balistique et Toxicologie.

La SCSJ et ses membres souhaitent à la ACML une conférence inaugurale fructueuse. Nous nous réjouissons de notre future collaboration, car nos organisations continuent à défendre les experts en sciences judiciaires dans leurs domaines respectifs et à favoriser la création d’une communauté de professionnels.

Exhibitor and Symposiums Sponsor


Access your own copy of the paper, Evaluation of Real Time Fatal Drug Overdose, by clicking below:

Download PDF

Poster Awards Sponsor

Routledge – The Taylor & Francis Group

The Taylor & Francis Group has generously provided 2 gift certificates for our poster awardees, for any book title and all orders on!

Learn more by clicking below:

Download Discount Flyer

Conference Objectives:

  1. Recognize issues of death investigations and Indigenous people in Canada
  2. Describe the opioid crisis in Canada
  3. List different patterns of drug use across Canada
Day 1 Day 2
Serving the Needs of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples Canada’s Ongoing Drug Intoxication Crisis: An Update
The Forensic Services and Coroner’s Complex (FSCC)
25 Morton Shulman Ave, Toronto, ON M3M 0B1

CAFM Membership

Membership Benefits:

  • CONTRIBUTE to a forum where forensic pathologists can MEET ONE ANOTHER, exchange ideas, DISCUSS practices, and CONSIDER new approaches to difficult and emerging problems.
  • ATTEND annual meetings where we can receive continuing education that is relevant to our PRACTICE AND OUR GEOGRAOHIC LOCATION/JURISDICTION.
  • Help FOSTER AND PROMOTE excellence in DEATH INVESTIGATION in Canada by THE DEVELOPMENT OF BEST PRACTICE GUIDELINES, and by hosting educational programs for allied professionals.
  • ADVOCATE FOR OPTIMUM WORK ENVIRONMENTS by collecting and sharing information about working conditions and creating workload and other standards that are relevant to our practice.
  • Be part of the VOICE for all Canadian forensic pathologists, on the provincial, national, and international stage.
  • Receive DISCOUNTED RATES to attend CAFM events

Membership Types

Founding Fellow Member (Voting):
Only available in 2024. Permission to use the designation FFCAFM on the curriculum vitae and receive a certificate from the CAFM acknowledging this designation.
Member (Voting):
A licensed medical doctor with recognized postgraduate training in Forensic Pathology.
Physician Affiliate (Non-Voting):
A licensed medical doctor.
Non-Physician Affiliate (Non-Voting):
A professional working in a medico-legal death investigation system, holding a graduate degree in a forensic field, or working in forensic medicine/medico-legal work.
Trainee (Non-Voting):
A student enrolled in medical studies, postgraduate medical training, or relevant postgraduate studies at a recognized university.
Founding Fellow:
Exclusive to CAFM Founders.

Membership Type Membership Fee
Founding Fellow 1,200.00
Member 300.00
Physician Affiliate 300.00
Non-Physician Affiliate 100.00
Trainee 0.00
All fees subject to Ontario Sales Tax: HST Registration: #1313 72286 RT0001
Click to Register!

Other Information

This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and approved by the Canadian Association of Pathologists. (credits are automatically calculated).

Through an agreement between the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert Royal College MOC credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Information on the process to convert Royal College MOC credit to AMA credit can be found at

Visa Applications

This event has NOT been registered with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

We encourage you to start organizing your travels as soon as possible as there may be delays in obtaining your travel documents for entry into Canada. Please note that costs related to travel, accommodation, transportation and conference registration will be your own responsibility.

Letter of Invitation

To receive a Letter of Invitation, you must:

(1) Be a presenter at the conference, as demonstrated by submitting an abstract relevant to the conference topics (to the discretion of the Scientific Planning Committee).
(2) Be a registered attendee for the conference, as demonstrated by completing payment for your conference registration.

After filing a request, those who meet either of the above criteria will receive the invitation letter by e-mail (in PDF format).

Note: Letters cannot be mailed-in; hard-copies are not available.

Note: Depending on where you live, you will need to meet certain entry requirements to visit Canada.

  • To find out if you need a travel visa and/or an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA), see the Immigration and Citizenship Visitor page and answer a few simple questions. To learn about the visa application process, visit the How to Apply page.
  • You may also need to give your biometrics. If so, then this is a MANDATORY requirement, and you must appear in person at a Visa Application Centre in order to provide your fingerprints and photograph. Find the Visa Application Centre closest to you here.


Jump to a specific Day

 (Day  1) (Day  2)

(Day 1)


Breakfast & Networking


The growth and development of forensic pathology

in Canada and Ontario

Forensic pathology in Canada

Founding of the CAFM & Future of Forensic Pthology

Forensic Pathology in the Arctic


Canada's residential school investigations


Welcome Reception

All delegates

(Day 2)



Please arrive before 8:00 AM to be credentialed

Light breakfast


Toxicology of Standard Opioids


Open Question & Answer session


Real-Time Fatal Drug Overdose Surveillance

unaccredited session

Wrap up – Evaluation Reminders & Departure


Tour of the FSCC

3 Groups of 20 People